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Launch Out Today!

ZoroLuke 5:4 (New King James Version) “He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep’.’”

You can never advance to another level in any area of your life until you are willing to leave where you are currently. Those two action words, “Launch Out” are a necessary in order to move to the higher ground we all secretly desire. Fear keeps us from launching out, so rebuke fear and refuse to give into it.

Fear accomplishes absolutely nothing and will prevent you from absolutely everything!! The deep may be out of your comfort zone, but there’s bigger fish (blessings) in the deep than in the shallow waters. If you wait until everything in the natural realm looks favorable before you launch out, you never will. Spend some time thinking about what would you attempt to do in your life if you knew you couldn’t fail. Now, believe in your heart that God’s word never fails!

So be bold, and courageous and launch out. The biggest regret people have towards the end of their lives is that they didn’t risk enough or take enough chances. Spend time with the Lord and ask him what he wants you to accomplish and what dreams he has for you. If God is for us, who can be against us!!
Go for it my friends and by all means take chances. Better to occasionally fall trying than to never fall by not trying. The only thing you are guaranteed by not taking chances is that absolutely nothing will happen. But where courage, faith and perseverance are concerned and God is involved, all things are possible. Seek God’s wisdom and launch out today. Tomorrow is promised to on one.

Launching out in faith with all of you!


© Copyright 2007. One Cubed.