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Avoid Bad Company!

ZORO1 Corinthians 15:33-34 (New King James Version)
33 Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” 34 Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I
speak this to your shame.

Make no mistake, bad company and people with a bent towards evil and it’s desires have corrupted many people who would otherwise have made more excellent and wise decisions that would have changed the outcome of their life. My friends, please understand that evil is not a neutral influence. Examine more closely those that hold key positions of influence in your life and people who may be leading you astray into the early stages of depravity and judge all things by God’s standard of absolute righteousness Comparing ourselves to people who seem worse than us only lowers the standard and has lead many to eternal damnation. Remember God’s ways are higher than our way’s and only his blood can truly cleanse us from our sin. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you revelation on the subject and to reveal to you those who you need to distance yourself from. Plain and simple, we become whatever we hang out with most! The apostle Paul here warns against keeping such company. It doesn’t mean that we hate them, just don’t let them influence decisions which will inevitably affect all aspects of your life. Don’t lower the standard of righteousness to the standard of someone who has no revelation on the wisdom and righteousness of God, for on judgment day we will stand alone. Remember the Lord hates the sin, not the sinner. Remove yourself from harm’s way and the way of the wicked and live a life pleasing to God!

Serving the King



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