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KJ-52: Mixing Hope and Hip-Hop

KJ-52: Mixing Hope and Hip-HopThe mix of witty satire, poignant rhymes and eclectic groves are the staples of KJ-52’s sound that have made him favorite among Christian and non-Christian audiences alike. His hopeful prose uses lighthearted humor and genuine sincerity even when it touches on deep issues of spirituality and tragedy. The Florida-based MC has a passion not only for quality music, but a substance that goes deeper than trivial club songs.

This passion for using hip-hop to reach listeners with the good news has made KJ-52’s albums best-selling records in a market dominated by more hardcore acts. His good-natured use of humor that is integrated into his albums have made even more intense tunes, that often deal with real-life issue like suicide and divorce, into compassionate proclamations of hope. It’s this unique mix of seriousness and satire that led not only to one of the young artist’s biggest-selling singles, but also to one of his career’s most well-known controversies.

KJ-52’s 2003 release, Collaborations, contained the song “Dear Slim” which is a personal message to the hip-hop mogul Eminem. The song was fashioned after one of Eminem’s early singles, “Stan” in which the rapper corresponds with a desperate fan. KJ’s first-person note to the infamous Slim Shady was a message of encouragement and admonishment to the rapper that talked about the responsibly of artists to positively influence their fans. Some audiences misinterpreted the songs as a slam against Em, and media outlets ran with the story.

In his next album, It’s Pronounced Five-Two, KJ-52 was able to set the record straight (no pun intended) with the song “Dear Slim Part 2”. The follow-up single announced his admiration for the Eminem’s talent and told about the how he too could relate to pressures of fame as a musician. It also offered an invitation to share in the hope that KJ-52 finds in his faith in Jesus Christ. In interviews and on the track, KJ cleared the air by letting the world know that his connection to the rapper, to whom he is also frequently compared, was not made out of ignorance, but respect for Eminem’s talent.

Along with “Dear Slim Part 2”, KJ-52’s latest album contains more upbeat hip-hop anthems that fuse original beats and clever verses with positive messages. With this uncompromising take on ministry through music, KJ-52 is an artist with a passion driven by purpose.

By Jesse Carey

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