About 1Cubed
Matt Beacham

Matt Beacham Professional surfer Matt Beacham’s life is full of power-packed moves both on and off of the water. His amazing athletic talent has earned the respect of his peers and taken him to countries including Australia, the Dominican Republic and Indonesia. It has also given him the opportunity to be featured in numerous magazines, tons of surf videos and J. Crew, Baby Gap and OP ad campaigns. However, this is not all Matt is about.

Matt’s life began quite simply in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. At seven years old, he began doing the surf thing with his dad. Over the years, Matt became a familiar and welcome face on the East Coast surf scene. He became a professional surfer after getting a college degree.

Standing at 6’2”, Matt rides a short board of the same height, 18 3/4” wide and 2 5/16” thick. It also sports G-5 fins. Although his favorite, the surf board is not his only board. He also takes on skateboarding, wakeboarding and snowboarding.

In the midst of being well known, Matt strives to keep his head on straight and his priorities in order. His strong faith in God comes in at every turn, helping him not to be lured into joining the party scene. This great wave rider lives with his wife in Southern California.

By Kristin Vischer


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