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Jake's Blog

Jake's Blog Well hoobilly hah, with all the things that are going on in life I think the most important thing to keep in mind is “what are you learning?”. If your car gets stolen, what are you learning? If you get a job promotion, what are you learning? If you fail a class, what are you learning? (Jk). As long as we are learning then as a person we’re growing. Ironically as I sit to write this I am fumbling through my mind trying to figure out what it is that I myself am learning. It’s kinda scary sometimes to think that we can get so caught up in what we’re involved in that we don’t realize where we are. When I was a few years younger I used to tour all over the country in bands. For the first week or so it was really exciting, getting on the road seeing different states, the “purple mountains majesty”, the “amber waves of grain” it’s really all out there. But after that first week the tour became mundane and I started sleeping on the road. I was no longer aware of all the marvelous things I was passing by. All the great scenery that is ever changing (unless you’re in ND. No offense) and I slept through it. I guess what I’m learning is that lesson off the road. I do a lot of stuff aside from one cubed, believe it or not I work in 2 other positions out side of the show, and I still play music. It’s once again easy to get caught sleeping through life. And I suppose it’s times like these that we need to really see what God has put around us, to wake up and live this life. I have found that when I’m at my busiest and there seems to be no time in a day, if I stop to recognize who God is, how He loves me, and that He is the real reason I do any of this then life becomes much more fulfilling and it’s easy to stay “awake”. Jesus said (and thank God for Jesus) “the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I come that you my have life, and life to the full. –john 10:10. I want life to be the fullest!! That’s why I’m going to go pray now…


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