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So I broke my leg....

JakeIt’s been almost a month now, and I’m still hobbling around. It’s amazing how I can go from full throttle surfing, hiking, jogging… to the most exciting part of my week being that I went an entire mile in my wheel chair.

I’m not even sure what exactly went wrong! The surf was flat, and some of my bros decided to play some basketball. Not even 10 minutes into the game I jumped, and when I landed all I heard was CRACK, SNAP!!! I immediately fell to the ground screaming in utter pain. I was so confused and uncomfortable, because my body was laying one way and my leg was hanging the other.

The doctor said I did a very impressive job on the break; I had managed to snap my ankle in two, and break my fibula in half. This all resulted in: 1 plate, 8 screws, and 2 nights in the hospital. I keep thinking of all the crazy things I’ve done in my life and never had even had a thought of getting hurt, and here I jump playing basketball, and severely break my leg, I’m still befuddled a little by it. None the less, from the minute it happened I knew I could always count on God’s faithfulness and His providence in my life, and because of that despite my anxieties, I don’t have to worry!

So, all this time laying around has allotted for more contemplation, and meditation of God’s word, which has been great! I’ve thought about the sin in my life, and the things I’ve struggled with. John 16:33 says “these things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

This passage has been so encouraging to me! Sometimes I need a bold reminder that all this world has to offer me is tribulation… pain, hurt, and discomfort. How great is it to be reminded that Christ has overcome the world!! In him we may have peace, because he conquered sin!


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